Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
"I'm sure that muggles well believe what they want. I mean those that manage to slip under the creaks and aren't obliviated, may go on and keep of what they see and those stories would continue on. Call it what you may, myths or legends. They still continue on. Word of mouth is a powerful thing."
Emily considered this statement... it was a statement... not a question...
"But Professor, word of mouth is powerful in the sense that it can spread and prolong the exposure to information. However it does not do much to instill strong powerful beliefs. Well not when it comes to magic. Muggles seem to dismiss it as phenomena, or legend, but do not necessarily belive it is true. And in many cases where muggles do witness magic, first of all who would belive them? They are very likely to be considered mentally unstable, that or they may not belive it themselves or alternatively put it down to divine intervention or imagination. For them magic is not tangilbe so it would not ammount to anything more than legends or myths without us allowing them to be involved and to see things openly."
Emily wasn't quite sure what direction this class was heading in. She liked structure, programs and consistency. But this is not what she had expected from the first HoM lesson this term.