Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
"We, the professors and I, have been given a curriculum and we are teaching it. I would think you as students would like the fact that every thing is related." she added with a shrug. "Muggles are linked to us and of course, I'm going to talk about them and how they relate to our history."
Yes, this was the kind of reception she was kind of scared of receiving over this lesson.
"Okay, class. There is no point in even trying to tiptoe around this. The Statue is an important part of history and that is what we will be talking about. Some of you have mentioned why it was established. But can any of you tell me more about it? Or better yet, state examples of the Statue in use."
Emily's heart sank, every lesson seemed to be a muggle studies lesson. It was getting irksome. Either way at least she's earned a point for her house already, this brightened her mood somewhat.
Ooohh the statute of secrecy, Emily raised her hand.
"Well the the law was first signed in 1989 though it didn't come into effect until 1692. It became the Ministries responsibilty to monitor the use of magic within their respective countries, this includes under age wizardry, control of magical creatures and control of magical games and sports. All with the focus of hiding magic and our world from muggles. Clause 73 states that wizards are responsible for concealing any magical creature or beast, beings and spirits from muggle eyes. If a muggle should be harmed or should witness such magical being then the wizard responsible will be dealt with by the Ministry. An example of this was when an unconcealed Kelpie was spotted in scottland by a muggle and is now known in the muggle world as the Loch Ness Monster."
She rattled off her answer.