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Old 02-04-2011, 11:53 PM   #233 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by iluvtowrite View Post
Ava Jade held as still as she could as he drew the sketch, trying to look natural and not change her pose -- which was pretty hard for someone as hyper and impatient as she usually was. She counted to one hundred, tried to think of random facts, reviewed incantations from her Charms and DADA classes in her mind....and then Levi was finished.

When he turned his book to show her, Ava Jade leaned forward eagerly to look at the final product. "Wow! That's amazing!" she enthused. "It looks just like me." She examined the drawing, noticing how he'd used different shading to get the shadows and textures. It wasn't a perfect picture, but there was no doubt that it was her own face staring back at her in the sketch. "You're really good," she told him. "Now you have to sign it! All the greats sign their works."

Levi felt his face lit up immediately and his smile broadened. Normally if he had done this for a girl, they probably would have rolled their eyes at the picture and gave him some sort of one-word answer. Not Ava Jade, though. The wild-haired boy could tell that she was being genuine and it made him feel all the more pleased that he had asked her. He could also tell that she wasn't lying to make him feel better. There was something special about her, something that made his heart leap.

"Thanks!" the boy chirped. "I'm really psyched that you like it--and you're right, I should probably put my name on it. It's a keeper." Did she really think he was comparable to one of the greats? Levi had never been this flattered before and he was convinced now that art was not a waste of time. It was something to be shared.

"You know what? I think it's the nicest picture I've ever drawn," he blurted out, giving way to a blush.
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