Correct Answer: Frank Bryce Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!
Simon made a quick pass to Kaia as he ducked to avoid an incoming bludger. The girl continued down the pitch, flying toward the goal hoops and Simon followed after her. As the same bludger came at her, she swerved out of the way and passed the quaffle back to Simon. He raised his arm to shoot, and a moment later the quaffle was heading for the hoop on the right...
And Jake.
The Quaffle hit his outstretched arm, and began to fall. Jake had the snitch in his grasp once more, though. He gave Simon a somewhat apologetic look as he realized what happened. Oops. Question Six: What is the name of Luna’s father?
Zoerawrr- 4
Harry174- 1