Originally Posted by
hermionesclone Kita was still close to tears. It was such a sweet story. Plus, the fact that Fee had managed to find love again, not that Kita doubted for a moment that she wouldn't, was great. It just showed that you should never give up in this world. She smiled. From the way Fee was talking about Hugo, it did sound like she was in love. "Maybe you didn't realise it before because you're so awesome," she said, wondering whether that made sense or not.
Kita didn't know why she was laughing so much. All she knew was that it seemed to make her feel slightly light-headed and cured her of any headache. One sec... did Fee just call the two of them princesses? "Funny princesses," she said, nodding, "Can't get any better than that."
Kita frowned slightly. Honestly, when was this girl going to accept the fact that she is, in fact, pretty. One sec...did Fee just say that she is normal?! Kita started laughing. "Fee, you're not normal, you're crazy!" she said, "And you're funny and pretty as well. And don't try and deny it."
Fee giggled at her besties answer.She didnt recognize her feelings for Hugo because she ws awesome?!Her bestie deffo was totally crazy."
Because i am awesome?",she asked giggling
,"he is more awesome so he should have overshone my awesomeness."
Last term the blonde had just been to blind to see anything.They could be together for so much longer actually.
Laughing a little at the Huffie repeating her new made up name for the duo Fee smiled.It was really cool to hang with her bestie again.Finally school wasnt hitting on their friendship anymore."
We soooo are",she nodded,"
its perfect to describe us."They were unique and of course needed an unique name.
And why exactly was Kita laughing lika crazy now?!Did Fee have something on her face or so?! Only seconds after these thoughts she foudn out.Clever girl,tehe.
"Ohhhh i forgooooot",she threw her arms in the air,
"of course i am crazy."Normal looking had been what she meant.But then the bestiestarted hitting on the fact of being pretty again.Sighing a little the Slytherin shook her head."
Stooooop it."