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"I'm a fourth year," Ava Jade replied, smiling. Suddenly a co-ed group of what looked like first- or second-years plowed through the corridor, about taking Ava Jade and Caroline with them. "Whoa, maybe we should step over to the side!" Ava Jade said with a laugh. "We're gonna get run over here." She moved over to one of the walls and, waiting for Caroline to follow, leaned her shoulder against the wall. "So what's your favorite class you're taking this term?"
Caroline noddeed, she'd figured that Ava Jade was close in age to herself. She seen the group of first or second years plowing through the corridor. who did they think they were.
"Hey watch it munchkins" Gees for first or second years a group of them could knock you for a loop. She nodded when Ava Jade suggested that they move to the side of the corridor. She followed the Hufflepuff.
"Well, I like Potions, but I'm terrified of Lafay" She laughed lightly, but anyway her head of house scared her to death.
"I love charms and artithmancy too. What are yours?"