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Kimber walked delicately down the hill towards the lake; her boots making small crunching noises with each step. Preferring to do most some things the muggle way, she had tied her ice skates together by their laces and carried them looped over her shoulder.
As the got closer, she wrinkled her nose, turned towards Jeremy and said, "I had hoped most of these children would gone by now." So much for their delayed arrival. The Lake was still jam-packed with kids. *sigh*
His own ice skates in one hand while the other was holding onto Kimber's, Jeremy made his way down to the lake where somebody had had the amazing idea of going ice skating on the frozen lake. Talking of frozen, he was so glad that they'd finally almost reached their destination since despite all the layers of clothing, gloves, hat and scarf he felt like he was going to freeze to death any minute. It really was time to do some exercise.
At the sound of her voice, he turned to face Kimber, feeling a grin tug at the corner of his lips. Her aversion to children at some points was just...amusing.
"Lighten up, we don't have to talk to them or anything." Okay, probably that was unavoidable but no need to point that out now.
"They're just...there." Letting go of her hand briefly, Jeremy made a vague hand gesture at the students before them, to emphasize how, well,
there they were.