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Alex fought the urge to stick his tongue out at Ellie and just sat where he was grinning at her. "I can get up by myself thank you very much." he rolled his eyes slightly. Puh-lease, like he would need a girl's help to get-
He had tried to get up but failed and fell right down again. Trying to look calm and cool even though he was frustrated and embarrassed he ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat absently. "Er, or you know I actually prefer to stay down here."
What was his snow throwing about Hyun about? Hmm, hard to say. Because he thought Hyun looked good with snow smeared across his facial feautures? Nah, that wouldn't be good to tell a girl. "I... Felt like it." he nodded. It had nothing at aaaalll to do with the fact that he had just given him two thumbs up behind her back, uh-uh.
Ellie waited for Alex to stand up, her hands still stretched out just in case he needed them. But nooo, he was an independant little boy. Or so he was until he fell down again. Ellie snorted and shook her head slowly while laughing.
"Riight, of course Alex. You just stay down there and freeze your bum off while I have all the fun on my feet. All by myself." She said with a sarcastically happy shrug.
Oh, come on yoouu.
He felt like it? Ellie knew Hyun must have done something to provoke him, but what? Ellie didn't know, so she just laughed and shrugged it off.
"Whatever you say, Alex." Quote:
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It actually took Hyun a few seconds to process what had happened. One moment he was grinning at Alex the next something cold and wet splashed against his face. He did not! ...oh he just did not!
Shivering from the cold impact, Hyun wiped his face with his hands and glared at Alex. "Yeah! i would like to know what that was about too!" he said, mimicking Ellie's question and placed his hands on his slender hips. which looked so girly
He saw Alex nod his head and said "felt like it" FELT LIKE IT?! Hyun wasn't going to let the attack fade away, nuhuh. He too grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in Alex direction.....missing it..and he had won a place in the team?
He watched in horror as the snowball flew past Alex towards the edge of the frozen lake and towards a girl with blonde hair who was putting on her skates. 'Oh not good...not good at all.' he thought to himself and ran his hand through his black hair.
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Fee smiled as she sae her friends waving at her and callinger her name.Aww they were the best. Finally the vlonde had find them How boring would it have been if not.Smiling she got on her skates and made her way to the three.Emma,Ellie and Alex together?!Woaah that was umm interesting.
"Hey guys",the Slytherin smiled,"sooorrryyy i am late." Hopefully they werent mad at her?!Pleaaaaaase not. But before she could think about it properly the second year started too laugh. That obnoxious best friend."As if you were going to fall Alex",Fee chuckled.He surely did really good and just wanted to hear it from her.Tehe.
And then something hit her had.Oh my glitter what was that?!Touching her hair on the back of her head the blonde noticed it was all wet. WEEEET?!Who had just ruined her hair do?!Turning around she faced a darked hears asian guy."Heeeeeeeeey",she whined,"my haaair."But he was soo getting it back. Kneeing down to get some snow, the Slytherin formed a nsow ball in her hand and aimed it right at the guy.Hehe,dont mess with Fee.
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"Fee when I say I can't skate, I mean I literally cannot sk-" he had involuntarily moved and off he went. Almost hitting the ice but he managed to get a hold on something before he landed face down on the ice.
He grinned at his luck and noticed he had fallen on Fee, and was now clinging on to her for his life. Or perhaps you know, his pride. "Cannot skate." he finished the sentense with an innocent smile, still hanging like a doll. A very manly doll that was.
Alex smirked at Hyun and started laughing when the snowball just swooshed right past his face. Then he got a bit worried, the Slytherin chaser was he? Heh. His laugh eruptly ended when he saw that the snowball was going to hit a girl. Oh that wasn't good. And it wasn't just any blonde, it was his best friend.
"Um... Hyun..." he murmured staring at Fee when the snowball hit the back of her head. "I think it would be best to you know... Run." he nodded. Because girls were meeaaan.
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"Run away? Pfft! The Hyun doesn't run aw--" Hyun stopped his sentence to Alex when he saw the blonde haired girl facing him and he gulped. Now he knew what Alex had meant with run away....Girls were pretty scary when provoked! He watched with wide eyes as the ball of snow came flying towards him so he pushed himself off the ground and tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately for him, he forgot he was still in the ice so when the snowball was thrown on his neck he slipped and tried to grab the nearest thing he could find for balance.
That nearest thing was Ellie's coat and in a flash he fell down, taking her with him. He shook his head in confusion before he realised he had fallen on top of Ellie! Poor girl.. Or rather poor Alex! Muwahaha! Oh right Ellie. He pushed himself off of her and sat on the ice with crossed legs. "That was a lucky shot!" he shouted to the blonde haired girl on the edge.
Ellie watched this whole interchange trying not to laugh. Because Fee was her friend. And Hyun got her hair wet. Never. Ever. Get a girl's. Hair. Wet. Her eyes widened as soon as Hyun's snowball hit the back of Fee's head and Ellie's grin was suddenly wiped clean off her face.
Alex was right.
"Better yet, sprint. As fast as you can." She added. Running wouldn't do it. Maybe a broomstick?
Ellie watched Fee's snowball hit Hyun in the neck and watched him slip in slow motion. Then she felt some gravitating force instantly pull her down to the ice with Hyun. She squealed as she went down and landed on the ice with a thud. THUD THUD. Wait, where'd the other thud come from? WHAA, why couldn't she
BREATHE?! She opened her eyes and realized Hyun was laying on top of her. Huh. No wonder. When Hyun pushed himself off, Ellie coughed and started laughing.
"Ow." She squeaked, with a slight grin on her face. Meh, it hurt a little but it was actually pretty funny.