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Sebastian sighed, running a hand through his hand once more, clearly stressed out about all of this. He hadn't really ever been in one of these situations before. "All I'm going to say is, I've seen these types of guys before, Beck Salvatore is just the same. Maybe not to you, but to me he is." He said, knowing that wouldn't make any sense to Bonnie. Beck was his competition and he knew it.
Then she hit him hard and he knew he shouldn't have said this outloud, but due to the sitation at the time he did. "Maybe you should have stepped up and said something before I've already found someone." He responded, wishing those words would come seeping back in.
"Beck is a nice guy. DON'T. YOU. DARE. BAD. MOUTH. HIM." Bonnie stamped her foot and wobbled dangerously. She moved out of the way before he could catch. ...She didn't want him to touch her. Crazed!Girl flicked back her hair and her nostrils flared. This was a side of her that barely anyone had seen. She. Was. Mad.

Her jaw dropped but she snapped it shut.
"I'm not the sort to ask some creep who kisses girls randomly in a street. I thought you'd ask ME out. You made the first move, didn't you? Who came over first, hmm?" If looks could kill he would be dead by now.
"LIKE I WOULD CARE IF YOU MET SOMEONE!" She bellowed, itching to punch this dude.