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Hmm. Destiny didn't seem to scare Cedric. Not that she was really trying or anything. He just looked so lost that the only way for him to find his way back would be to yell his name. Besides, if she was trying to scare him, she would have did something that he would have never expected. Like, come through the ceiling.
And of course he wasn't scared since he was expecting her already. Well duh he was expecting her, this was his idea and all. Ignoring that creepy smirky, smile thing of his, she made her way over to a desk in the front of the room and plopped down. A seat in the front of the room. Closest to the door. Just in case Cedric tried anything shifty she'd be able to make a quick escape.
Who would have thought Arithmancy could be so dangerous?
"So," she started, unpacking her bag and not bothering to wait for him to sit, "I think you should go first. Ask your question and I will tell you the answer."
Cedric watched Destiny as she took a seat in the front of the room. Didn't even apologize for her tardiness, huh? Not a good thing. Cedric blundered forward, making his way towards the front. He jammed himself into the chair as soon as he reached it. Heh. Didn't think he would follow her there, no? Well, how were they going to do the task when they were so faaaaar away from each other. It wasn't like he'd going to kiss her, you know. Really. He wasn't even notorious on snogging girls. How come he could be notorious of snogging
odd girls?
He gave Destiny yet another smirk. He knew Destiny sort of freaked out at beholding his knowing smirks. It was very likely that she did. Aaand... his smiles are things undoubtedly worthy to behold and relish. Sarcasm put aside, she'd better enjoy him smiling as long as he was doing so.
And she now unpacked her bag. Good. So had she brought her materials? He hadn't really brought his. And... whaa? Should he really be the first?
"You should go first. Trust me." Smiiirk.
"Look, even though I myself don't get and want to believe it, you are a lady. And it's violating the gentlemen's act not allowing the ladies have their way first at certain things."