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Nika took the white skates and tried to lace them up as well as she possibly could. Wow, these things are complicated." Very much different than her other shoes. She finished criss-crossing her laces and tried to stand up. "Wo-WO-WOAH" She started to flail her arms in the air trying to regain balance. PHEW! She didn't fall... this time."Okay I think I'm going to work on that cushioning charm now before I do something dangerous." She practiced the spell that Emily taught her. It took a few tries, but in the end she was able to get it right. "I'm as ready as I will ever be!" Nika replied in a very sing songy voice. "I'm really excited!" She darted unto the ice, not waiting for Emily to join. "Wow! Emily come one! It feels like you're gliding on air or something. It's amazing!" She held her arms out like wings. Nika went right ahead and skated in little circles, not even caring about trying little steps first. Nika skated as fast as she could and ended up falling on her butt. Instead of crying she just merely laughed, "That was so much FUN!" She liked taking risks. And this was a lot different than hurting herself to the point of bleeding so she didn't really cry about falling this time. It was actually fun because when she fell she slid across the ice!
Emily smiled as Nika practiced the spell. She was a teacher!

And she laughed as Nika darted onto the ice. She was a natural.
"I'm coming!" she laughed and made her way towards the frozen lake.
She, unlike Nika, took small steps onto the ice and stood for a while.
Gain balance, then try moving.
One foot in front of the other.
There you go! she told herself
She skated to where Nika fell.
"You ok?" she said trying to help her up, but as she tried to pull Nika up with one arm, fell onto the ice as well.
Her at Nika shared the same smile then burst out laughing.
Friends. This is what they were for! She would always remember this moment, as it was the first fun time she had had in ages since...
Don't go there she told herself, but continued to laugh regardless.