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Right. Painful memories came back.... 1st year.... Flooding.... WHy have a hatch in the first place?
Anyway... Besides all that. This could be lots of fun. Swimming underneath the school... REAL cool. But the bubble head charm. Anyone who's anyone knows that Aaron Anderson is bad at charms. If I tried this, I'd probably suffocate myself. Eh... I was pretty good at this, though. Nothing bad should happen... Probably.
Aaron looked around the room and spotted Iris and Fallon. He knew both of them probably had their doubts. But Aaron Anderson was Slytherin captain. He had to be the brave and tough one! Not when I might drown.... Okay. Let's do this.
Aaron waved at Fallon, trying to get her over to Iris and himself, as he approached Iris. He raised both his eyebrows in a 'Well....' kind of way. "Sounds like... fun...." Lafay was doing this to try and traumatise the older students, wasn't she? The sixth and seventh years, because they were the only ones who remembered the flooding. The woman was evil.
Iris hadn't even noticed Aaron in the room. She was staring at the hatch, like her eyes were glued to it. What idiot REALLY decided that it was a good idea?! She looked away from it, finally, only when she noticed that someone was stood in front of her.
... FUN?!
Iris made an odd, strangled laugh.
"Yeah... fun." Iris mumbled, sounding a bit distance. She looked up at Aaron's face.
"Aaron..." Iris glanced at the hatch, watching as a couple of people made their way into the waters,
Flying... she is willing to get over. Getting trapped in the lake with only that TEENY hatch to get back out of? No way. It was not going to happen.
Unless, y'know... you convinced her enough. But being realistic, who would bother doing
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Fallon looked over at Iris. She knew her friend wasn't one for water and the she was probably torn about doing this. She then walked over once Aaron motioned her over. She still had her wet suit in her hand. She really wasn't going to put this on just yet.
"Hey guys." Fallon looked at Iris. "You gonna be okay? I'm sure Lafay will understand if you don't want to do this." She wasn't really wanting to do this either. Being underwater with only one way out = not such a good idea.
Fallon grinned at Aaron. "Eh. It would be if we had more than one way out." Yep. She was definitely going to voice her opinion out loud on this one. Maybe all three of them could just not do this together... Iris looked at Fallon and gave her half a smile. A very unconvincing one at that.
"I ... don't know." Iris answered, shrugging nervously. The prefect scoffed at Fallon's idea.
"I doubt it...."
The prefect looked at the wetsuit in Fallon's hand. Eugh. So there was the potential of DROWING, getting KILLED by something, and looking AWFUL during the process. Lafay hated them. She really must do.
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"Oh, Prefect Beaumont, Captain Anderson, I will need you, Cartwright and Malfoy to also keep a lookout underwater, make sure no one starts fighting, or hurts themselves." She said as an afterthought.
Iris nodded at Lafay,
"Y-y-yes, Professor..." and then turned to stare at Fallon.
"There's your answer. I'm not getting out of this thing." She then looked back up to Aaron, as if she was going to say something. Iris didn't have a clue WHAT, though.
There had to be something good at the end of all of this. If there wasn't, Iris couldn't see how any of this trip into the Lake would be worth it.