Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" So how do you like HogWarts?" Rex asked Justin. "Dangerous is a good descrotion of this tree" Rex said to Justin. " Very incredible that you use music and life together" Rex told Justin.
" The perfect team sounds good" Rex told Fee. " Not only best friends, the best of best friends" Rex said to Fee. "We do match well" Rex smiled. " Have you done the Arithromancy or Transfiguration homework?" Rex asked Fee.
"I love it. It's pretty awesome. And filled with some amazing people too" replied Justin. Was he referring to one particular person? Maybe! Ok, yes he was but he wasn't about to tell him that, was he?
"Certainly is" Hey, he replied without looking up at it. Miracle!
"It's the only way I can write an effective song. Plus, it makes it easier to relate to"