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She narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't need help. ...Well actually I do but don't tell anyone. Why do we have to ice skate anyway?" She snapped. Her cheeks tinged red at the gripping him to tightly thing but she 'coughed' so he wouldn't see her blush. He had finally got her to blush and it was of the SMALLEST of things. She really had been thinking about him too much. "Whatever." And she couldn't help the next two questions that she asked, "How are you enjoying school? Met anyone?" It was infuriating that she would care. She tried a little more of skating and Crazed!Girl could feel her stomach doing flips.
Stupid ice. Why did water freeze anyway? It was no use WHAT SO EVER!
Sebastian laughed once more as Bonnie almost slipped on the ice and how she admitted 'quietly' that she did need som help.
"Oh don't worry, I won't tell, because by the end of our ice skating lesson today, you'll be a professional." He said....even though he knew he was lying. Psh, he was just trying to impress, not be
honest. He started to slowly skate ahead with her, taking things slowly as he didn't want her to fall, then have himself fall. Now that would be embarassing.
He turned his head and stopped on the ice, stopping her as well. He didn't think she was capable of talking and skating at the same time, so might as well stop, right? Heh.
"School is, boring. Have I met anyone? Um...a few people, why are you asking?" He smirked.