I have a request please!!!
1. What you want (Avvie, Siggy, Profile Pic, Banner, etc.)
2. Size Specification: at your choice,
3. Pictures you want to use (Please put your pictures in spoilers or do the url code, or else the post will take too much space... )(I don't mind going out and finding pics for your request as long as you are specific as who the charrie/pic is. ***Actually I love finding the perfect pictures to use..it is my favorite...yesyesyes....***)
4. Text you want on there, if any.:
100 Muggleborns drabbles for Raven Perevell – Sa13+
5. Shapes, Brushes, Patterns you want (If you don't know what this is, then don't request any of them.):
will you please surprise me
6. Any other comments/specifications: (If you want a specific font or something throw it in here...or if you want it to look like one I've made before just describe it to me.....)
you pick
thank in advance