Originally Posted by
potterobsessionist Alex grinned at Emma and shrugged, he might as well admit it. "No... I haven't." he chuckled. But that did not have to mean he would fall and break all his bones! Oh wait, yes it did.
If he was going to open it? Of coourse he would open it! He grinned and tore off the paper, mwha he was the present opener master! Alex opened the present and saw the watch that was inside. Hoooow did she know he needed this? Had she heard his father totally yelling at him for oversleeping all the time? Alex looked up at Emma and grinned widely. "Emma this is great!" he laughed and gave her a big bear hug. "I-You-How did you know?" he chuckled. Now perhaps he wouldn't be so late for the classes... Pfft, yeah right.
"Welll I have been chilling with my partner, gotten an amazing gift, getting the beater position, training some, hanging out with my friends that sort of thing." he winked at her.
She smiled and chuckled softly. "
Okay, it's okay! Don't worry. Well the first step is for you to put on your skates. It's just like wearing normal shoes except you have to do the laces up in a weird way." she explained. This was one Muggle sport she was allowed to do. "
And then we'll go onto the ice. And you can hold on to my hand.. for support of course." she added. Smooth Emma.... Oh wait.. bad idea.. He could pull them both onto the ground if he lost his balance. Oh wells.
The blonde watched excitedly as he opened it. She blushed as he gave her a big bear hug. She was
very.. no.. extremely glad that he liked it. "
I'm glad you like it. Well remember when we were hanging out by the Pathways when term just started? Well we were both thinking about getting some dinner and I asked you what time it was, and you said that you didn't have a watch... SO I decided to get you one." she explained, laughing slightly and then winking at him.
She blushed as he told her about hanging with his partner and amazing gifts. Aww.. He was way to sweet. Too bad.."
Those are some awesome things to be doing! Hey, what are you doing over Winter Vacation?" she asked.