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Old 01-31-2011, 08:56 PM   #124 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post

this is awesome!

Hyun knew the lake had been iced over but he hadn't gotten the time to actually see it. So now when he had a free period he rushed out of the castle and ran towards the lake. The scenery was amazing and it reminded him of Durmstrang. He even smiled a bit..actually smiled! O_o

Walking towards the iced lake , he grinned as students were falling down here and there. He walked and walked and walked, until he saw someone familiar. He was just about to shout "El--" but was cut off when the girl had already shouted someone elses name.

He smirked when he saw to whom Ellie had been shouting at and saw Alex , rather petrified near the lake. He watched how they walked towards each other and decided to walk to them too. After all , he needed to congratulate his teammate right? hehe. "My my, is the Alex scared of the ice?" he said, his infamous grin plastered on his face as he stood besides Ellie. "Hey Ellie" he greeted her and turned back towards the Slytherin. "Ey i saw the notice in the common room. Congrats on making it in to the team!"

better not tell them he was HORRIBLE at skating...
On his happy way to Ellie, Alex heard someone else break his happy thoughts. Another student? He glanced to his side and saw Hyun. Aaah the dear Hyun. "Of course I'm not." he scoffed with a grin. Like he would ever admit it when Ellie was there. Duude, she's standing right there! And... They knew each other? He looked between the two suspiciously, Hyun was standing waay closer to Ellie than he was. Internal pout. Suddenly he felt very silly standing there cluthing his killer skates.

"Thanks man, and right back at you. Did you see the first match is against Hufflepuff." he smirked. Those loyal, food-eating, yellow people.

Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett View Post
She smiled when Alex came over. "Hey." Profound. She was going to say more, but she heard a familiar voice come up behind her and soon Hyun was standing next to her. "Hey stranger." She said back. She looked back at Alex with a smug grin on her face. "Yeah, is he scared?" She asked with an evil smirk.

Then her eyes grew wide. "You made the team?! You didn't tell me, congrats, Alex!" She said with a grin.
Nooo, Ellie had heard Hyun's comment about him being scared!


"Nope I'm great on the ice."

Double crap.

That sounded like he was such a girl and hopefully he wouldn't have to show her his so called skills because well, he had none. Absolutely none at all. He didn't even know how to put on his skates! Bohoo.

Phew, change of subject to Quidditch, something he actually did have some skills in. "Yeah I did. You're talking to the Slytherin beater now my lady." he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows like the villain that he was.
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