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"Alright," Kurumi nodded spinning around on her skates so that she could help lead Helena back to the snowy bank. "I told you you would be able to stand on the ice. You even managed to walk a bit." Sure, she wasn't going to be receiving any Olympic gold metals any time soon for her skating abilities, but Helena should receive one for her effort.
"Okay, here we go again with the baby steps," she laughed as she skated a bit further away from her. "Let's see if you can walk without my arms this time." Maybe Kurumi should have casted a Cushioning Charm on the ice surrounding her...
Walk... alone?
I wish I could levitate myself," Helena laughed, even though that was not the best idea at the moment. Well... yes. She was on the ice, alone. Okay, not exactly alone, but Kurumi didn't hold her anymore.
Okay, baby steps. First step. One more. Another one. She almost reached the snow when... she slipped again and fell, but this time on the snow. It felt... a bit better that falling on the ice. But it was so cold! She used a simple charm to dry her robes, then smiled at Kurumi. "
Thank you for the first ice skating lesson, professor," she giggled.