Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Thankfully, the boy was alright and managed to stay on his feet. Once she was sure he had gained his balance and had straightened, Katie released her hold on his arm and hugged her coat closer to her body. It was definitely winter. "Good, don't want any accidents out here now do we?" The sixth year commented lightly, offering a small smile that grew a little bit with his words, eyebrows raising ever so slightly. "And here I was thinking you were just a beginner at ice skating. It was no problem, really." Katie assured him, nodding her curly-haired head.
When he was done fixing his skate and offered a hand, Katie uncrossed her arms to shake his hand as she spoke up, "I've seen you around the Abraxan stables before. It's nice to properly meet you, Patroclus." She had more than likely seen him in several classes, too. But Katie couldn't be absolutely positive of which ones, since she tended to focus more so on her work and what ever the professor was teaching at that time than on her peers. "I'm Katie, and thankfully the boy didn't pull me down. Falling is not nearly as much fun as the skating itself," pushing off gently, Katie slowly started to glide forward just a tiny bit, looking over her shoulder as she waited to see if he would follow suit. "Do you skate much?"
“Me a beginner?” Patroclus asked, his face wearing a mock display of surprise!
Pushing off and gathering speed, then quickly turning so he was skating backwards facing her, the LionBoy smiled at Katie,
“I’m a pro!” Just a bit of a klutz sometimes….
He knew he had seen her around somewhere,
“Ahh yes the Abraxan Stables, Now I remember,” he nodded,
“so many names and faces, sometimes it’s hard to remember them all, but I won’t forget now, seeing as thought you stopped me from breaking my neck!”
Continuing to skate backwards, his hands clasped behind his back, he answered the Hufflepuff girl,
“I haven’t skated for a while, but I did quite a bit of it when I was a lot younger, what about you?” Katie seemed to have a natural rhythm to her skating, but he had to make sure…..she could after all just be a natural at it.