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Chelliephone Mmm, ice skating sounded challenging, yet utterly FUN. And Anakin was quite excited to give it a go. Strapping on a pair of skates obtained from the room of requirement, lovely place, he tentavily stepped out, giving a small push away from the edge and gliding out towards the middle.
Heh. This wasn't THAT hard. In fact it was kind of easy. ^___^
Well, at least he THOUGHT it would be until, BAM. Down went Ani.
Ruby skated around the edge of the ice rink, she looked at the other people as they skated happily. Her dark eyes were drawn to a boy who stepped onto the ice, she held back a laugh as the boy fell on his face. She smiled a small smile and skated gracefully over to him.
"Do you need some help," she asked looking down at him and offering her hand.
She greatly resisted the urge to laugh out loud, but the little voice inside of her head was hysterically laughing. HAHAHHAHAHA!