Originally Posted by
Nixy! Iris smiled and shook her head at Satine. No way. She wasn't going on the ice.
Not yet, anyway.
The prefect hovered at the side of the lake, watching all of the students skate around the ice. She might go skate later... but not right now. Ice skating was cute, but she really wasn't in the mood for it.
Satine giggled a little bit at Iris as she motioned to stay on the side. She made a little circular motion with her and to let her know that when she got around the circle...which could take who knows how long...she would stop by and say hello!
Originally Posted by
Syd (: This weather was exactly why Dallin missed Florida. He galred at the icky white stuff on the ground as he walked down to the lake, where he could see people on ice. It was sad, really, that he actually wanted to ice skate. But since there was no way he could swim or anything like that, he was going to enjoy the water in the only way he could. Ice skating.
He sat down on the edge of the ice, thinking. He'd never been ice skating before, but how hard could it be? He was great at roller blading, and it's about the same, right? Plus, he was wearing like, eight layers of clothes - and yes, that was an exaggeration - so he wouldn't get hurt if he fell. He laced up the skates that his mom had sent him and slowly stood up. Okay, he could balance. Now for the movement.
He slowly pushed one foot, and lost his balance. He flailed for a bit before he caught himself. He didn't fall. He moved the other foot and tried again. The same thing happened. He looked at his feet determinedly, and tried again, putting most of his weight on his heels, and leaning forward. YES. He was moving, and not falling.
He was a natural. Now, if only there could be ice without the gross snow.
Satine finally started getting the hang of it. It was always a little hard to get started but it was like a little light flicked on in your brain and then your brain as like ooooo yes I remember now how to do this. She smiled as she started gliding on the ice slowly at first, but she knew eventually she would start going a little bit faster.
She smiled as she skated and watched everyone around her start getting the hang of it. As long as you stayed up and didn't fall you didn't seem to get too cold.
She skated a long a little bit and thought she saw a familiar face she slowed down a little bit....not like she was going mega fast or anything...and she headed towards the Dallin. But as she decided to stop she remembered that she wasn't very good at stopping and before she knew it she was sitting on her butt about three feet from Dallin.
Through her laughter, she said, "
Hey there cutey patootie!" she said looking up at him.