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Ella stopped and gave him a small glare. Not one of her usual glares, just a playful one. "Very funny. But dressing up as a pig isn't something I do as a hobby." She clarified. She looked back down and continued to put the ice skates on. "Where'd you get these?" Or did he naturally pack two pairs of ice skates for a school? Unlikely. Maybe he stole them from a first year.
She nodded, and then suddenly he grabbed hold of her shoulder to support himself??! "DUDE. We aren't on the ice yet." So if he needed help with getting up on the GRASS, then this day was a disaster before it even began. Ella pushed him away from her, then pushed herself up, using support from the ground. Like normal people would. "Ohhh. Stop being a drama queen." You didn't see Ella freaking out, did ya? And this sort of thing usually would freak her out...
"Nope. Never ice skated in my life." Which is why she was excited about trying it. Although, she was feeling a bit conscious of her fingers. Hopefully she wouldn't fall and have someone slice them off by accident. MEEEP, okay. Now she was scared.
Elliott suppressed a grin and nodded. "
Yes, of course." Ixnay on the pig thing. Anyway, enough about pigs and on to ice skates. "
I got them in that Room of Requirement," he answered, and his eyes lowered to her skates. "
I expect they fit properly, yeah?" Because that room always knew stuff like that when you needed it to. It was weird actually, when you thought about it: a room knowing stuff like that.
Whoa! Elliott shuffled back a bit when she shoved him away. He opened his mouth to say something, but his brain couldn't get a strand of words together, so he went with what initially came to his head. "
Sorry." He dug the blade of his skate in the ground as he waited for her.
Then I can only guess we'll be the laughing stock of the lake," Elliott smiled, looking around at all the other students out here. He took a few steps closer to the lake before actually, sloooowwly getting himself on the ice.