Lottie <3 | lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Today was a suckish day.
Yesterday was an awesome day but today was like the OPPOSITE. *whaa* maybe it was opposite day. Harley didn't like opposite day, nu-uh. Yesterday she'd gotten her first ever best friend; Kai was too awesome =D and and yeah loads of other cool stuff. But now she'd lost Monster and that was sad. The only good thing about today was she had an excuse not to tell sheknewwho a certain thing that she'd promise Chandler she would.
The redhead stopped in the middle of the corridor, slumped down the wall and sat on the floor burrying her head in hands.
__________________ Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail |