♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabben *Walking into the common room with a bucket in one arm and the other filled with books Matty sat down in front of the fire. The puking pasty sweet he took was stuck to a fever one. He shivered a little in front of the fire and pulled the bucket closer just in case. He opened his pack, pulled out his note book and quill getting to work. Something was going on with Gevrik and this school and he had to make the connection.
While working he dumped out his pack looking for a new quill. Most of his books now lay open on the floor around him. Matty knew that he must look like he had gone a little mad but he didn’t care. He could feel that he was on the edge of something big, but what? There were still a few bits of the puzzle missing. Without those pieces it wouldn’t make sense. Sitting back Matty thought over what he knew and what Gevrik had said at the pub and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Looking over at his astronomy book he started tracing the lines of the constellations with his fingers. His book had fallen open to the page and he mindlessly looked down at it while he thought and mumbled out loud the constellations he was tracing.*
"Capricornus... Translation... The Sea Goat. Carina... Translation... The Keel..." Violet walked out of the Girls' Dorms in her pajamas and into the Common Room holding a cup of freshly made Nettle Tea. She took a sip of it and made a light "Mmmm" sound after she did. Violet's hair was tied into a braid that was leaning over her left shoulder. In her other hand was a letter from her Mother and Father. They were telling her how Aurora was feeling completely miserable that her loving owner wasn't home and how much she was missing her, along with how much her whole family was missing her. Violet also discovered that Evelyn was already making her list for what she wanted to buy when she was going to go to Hogwarts. It brought a smile on her face thinking about how much was going on at home and how much she was missing her family. Violet was so into reading her letter that she didn't even notice the pile of books sprawled on the floor that made Violet lose her footing and trip over Matty's books. She made a little yelp as she fell to the floor, but amazingly didn't spill her Nettle Tea at all. Violet then looked over seeing that she had knocked over Matty's work and gasped again. She quickly put her Tea and letter to the side and said apologetically,"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I was not watching where I was going, here I'll fix right away!" Violet immediately began restacking Matty's books exactly the way he had them. She felt so bad and so embarassed that had happened.
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