Hello, us here! I wanted to make a graphic shop, and snelly agreed to do one with me. We're the minions, mostly because I don't know how to spell alllalala.
We both use picnik...occasionally lunapic but it's being stupid.
EmilyMalfoy: Bonjour all,
my name is Kailee. I play the flute, play tennis, and my favorite smiley is
snelly0217: Supeth. My name is Kaylie, I also play tennis, and I play the bass clarinet. My favorite smiler is - Be sure to credit
- Don't edit our work, ask if you want it changed/edited
- allalallala
- All Madam Malkins rules apply
- No hotlinking
~What do you order us to make?(avvie, siggie, Profile Pic, banner)
~Size of your weapon
~Any certain color?
~Finishing touches?