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MissFeenella Fee walked up to the pathways shortly after Hugo.Doing the homework together with him made it somehow easier.Just sepdnign time with him made her feel better.Watching him doing the transform again, she smiled to herself.He was such an amazing guy.Mhhhh but why didnt the watch transform?!He had done the exact same thing as the three times before this was weird.
And then she heard her boyfriend's voice. Looking up and into his face the smile on the blonde's face only grew wider.He was sooo cute."Brainwaves?",she muttered.Mhhh lets she what Hugo was talking about.With every word she got more fascinated.The Slytherin would have never thought of something like that.Hugo was such an intellegent and talented guy.It was very impressing.Hearing all that stuff about brainwaves she just nodded,too fascinated to say something.She was excited to see how Hugo would do that. "Of course i am not going to be creeped out",the girl winked,"go on." She would never be creeped out about anything Hugo did.
Fee seemed really fascinated about what he talked about. That was cool, because Hugo weirded even himself out sometimes. The butterflies in Hugo's stomach started flying again when she winked at him.
"Okay..." Hugo said. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep.
He inhaled:
3, 3, 3
He breathed out:
2, 2, 2
He inhaled:
1, 1, 1 And Hugo was completely relaxed. He let all of his weight sink to his feet, so that he would mentally sink deeper. There he was, in a black space. There were 2 doors. One to his alpha home and one to an elevator. He stepped in the elevator, and inside he saw he was on the 10th floor. He pressed the only button that was there, 0. Then he started going down, deeper. Level 9... Level 8... Level 7... Level 6... Level 5... Hugo went deeper and deeper. Level 4... Level 3... Level 2... Level 1... Ding. The doors opened and Hugo stepped in more darkness. In the air was his wand. The 11.4 inch chestnut Phoenix feather wand he had gotten in Diagon Alley last year. He picked it up, and right before him was a big, golden compass. It was still rather empty. Hugo started adding things with his wand. With a tap they appeared. First a little ring... Then a cap. The inside was a little bland. He started adding little gears to his taste. Then the compass popped.
Hugo immediately pointed his wand at the watch, eyes still closed. He made the cross, then said
"Comletia." Not even a spark. Just a flow of golden dust and Hugo opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the bright light and how good it felt to open his eyes. He then looked at Fee, and then remembered he had transformed the watch. He quickly walked towards it and looked. The
compass looked exactly like the one in his head. Hugo picked it up.
"Awesome," he said and smiled. The compass had finally looked like he wanted it to.