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"I am, well, half anyway," Kurumi blushed. "My father is Britist, mother is Japanese." Buuuuuuut, there really wasn't any need to go into those details at the moment. That would be going down a rather unhappy road into Kurumi's past that just kept getting more and more complicated. She blushed even more when the girl called her Kurumi-chan. Her mother would be even more furious that she had not used Sakura-san on top of missing the bow.
Oh well!
"Then it's settled! The way we played at my school was that we continued to put out rock, paper, or scissors until we were paired off. So, if I used paper and say Simon did as well, then we would be partners."
"So am I, only for me it's my mother who's English and my father who's Japanese. My parents would be furious however if they knew that a lot of time I let my mannerisms slip unless I'm reminded of them by another Japanese person," Sakura smiled as the girl blushed, but she was heartened to see that the girl wasn't stuttering anymore.
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"You're welcome Raven...Nice to meet you Sakura," he greeted back before spotting Kurumi enter the room behind the students he was already facing and giving her a wave back. "Yeah of course you're welcome," he said eching the welcome of the others. He too noticed that now they were uneven but as the way of pairing off was suggested, he nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a good idea as any," the captain remarked. "On the count of three we put out our hands."
"One...Two...Three..." he counted off his hand curved into a rock when it was over.
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"Three!" Kurumi chirped as her small hands formed into a fist. Kurumi began to giggle. It was a pretty funny sight. Three Gryffindors, a Slytherin, and a Ravenclaw playing janken in the White Jasmine Laboratory.
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As he leaves the Arithmancy classroom, Salander spots a few students gathered with their pick-up sticks in an adjoining room. He made to turn away but at the last minute, decided to poke his head through the door "You guys doing the Arithmancy homework?"
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Kurumi looked up from her rock position, this probably looked ridiculous, and saw Salander standing in the doorway. Her eyes immediately lit up and she waved with her non fist hand. "Salander!"
not too enthusiastic now, were we?
"We are just trying to figure out our groups."
Really, she wasn't holding her hand out in a fist for no reason.
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Ariana smiled

. Someone was being nice again!
"Okay, sure! she replied.
Ariana was a bit confused about the whole
janken thing, but... it sounded pretty much like they were just talking about rock paper scissors. So she counted
"One, two, three," with the others and flattened her hand out into 'paper'.
Ariana noticed another person at the door. She almost laughed. They must look pretty silly, a bunch of people playing rock paper scissors in this magic-y room! She nodded in response to his question, Kurumi had answered too.
On three Sakura formed her hand into the rock shape, jumping slightly when she heard a new person come into the room and question them. If she didn't know someone was there she always jumped now. She had some serious paranoia issues when it came to not being able to see people. She should have sat on the other side of the table.
"So Kurumi-chan, according to your way of playing Raven and our little Ravenclaw would be partnered with each other, yes?" Sakura questioned. That was what she had gathered from the earlier explanation, but as three of them had used rock, that to her would mean they were the trio, but who knew. And what if Salander joined them?