I'll attempt to have it up sometime this weekend. School has practically grasped me in it's grasp and I can't seem to get away. Promise though.

Edit: 2/4/2011
Okay this weekend I more than Promisse I SWEAR. I got caught up in some other stuff last weekend. But this weekend for sure.
Here it is... Chapter 3
Grand Entrance
"No really. I never knew magic exsisted," I said laughing. I felt so stupid. Jacob had known his whole life that magic exsisted and me, I didn't know nor suspect anything for eleven years. I was still in shock.
"It's the greatest thing ever," he said smiling. "It's like being in control of the universe and all that it has hidden." He looked out the window and at that moment someone else had decided to join the compartment.
When I looked at him realization crossed my face and flashed in my eyes. It was the boy I had bumped into in the streets right after getting my wand. I felt so guilty and prayed it wasn't written on my face. I tried a smile that would seem inviting but all I could manage was a mild girmmace.
"Can I sit here?" He hadn't even mentioned the accidental bump. "All the other compartments are full."
"Sure," Jacob said smiling.
The guy walked in and placed his stuff up above the seats with Jacobs then sat down. He smield and said, "I'm Christopher, but people call me Chris."
"I'm Jacob and this is Liz-"
"Elizabeth Mae, " I said cutting Jacob off. It was then that the realization passed across Chris's face.
"You're the girl I saw in Diagon Alley. The one who bumped into me." He didn't seem mad or upset and I nodded slowly.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean too. I was-" He cut me off with a wave of his hand.
"What are you apologizing for. I bumped into you."
"Ummm. I'm pretty sure I bumped into you," I said my eyes lighting up.
"How sure are you," He asked looking my dead in the eyes.
"I'm one hundred percent positive," I said back mathing his mocking tone.
"Well then. Is it me or is the air in her kind of thick," Jacob said opening the window.
I blushed red and laughed. From then conversation was easy. Time passed so fast the I didn't even realize we were at school. I had changed yeah but I was also kind of out of it. As I stepped of the night air was brisk and I was kind of lost.
"First years follow me," A womans voice called. I looked up to see a tall woman. Her hair was auburn in color and her jade green eyes were bright.
"Come on. No dilly dalling. The boats are this way."
We all fell into a line and followed her to the boats. As I got into on I slipped and almost fell but caught my balance. That was the last thing I wanted, to fall into a lake and enter the school soaked. Jacob and Chris followed me and sat on either side of me. As we made our way to the castle I smiled and admired it all. It was lit up and looked more than amazing. It looked more than fabulous. Words couldn't describe the castle of Hogwarts.
From there things went downhill. I got out of the boat and then...I was on the ground. I looked up and there stood before me was a blonde haired girl. Her blue eyes looked as cold as ice and she smirked.
"I would apologize but you were kind of in my way so I'll let you apologize." She just stared and I wanted to scream.
"Who do you think you are?" I couldn't stop myself.
"Alyson Penolpe James. Mudbloods are always the same. They never know anything about the wizarding world. If you did you'd know my daddy is the Minister of Magic and you'd apologize right now." She put her hands on her hips and glared down at me. "I can make your life a living nightmare if you don't."
I just stared and stared. She was more than insane. She was off her rocker.
"What is a mudblood?" I felt stupid again. To have to ask something like that.
"A muggle born witch or wizard. People like you." She just glared. "Are you going to apologize?"
I pulled myself up and looked her in the eye. "I think you should apologize. First off for knocking me down. You don't own the world. Second off because your sadly mistaken. I'm a full blooded witch. My mum and my dad are. Thirdly you need to get a attitude check." I hated bullies and I wasn't about to take it from her. "Well.... I'm waiting."
SMACK! It was loud and it rang in my ears. My eyes stung with tears and my cheek stung with pain. She had just slapped me. Jacob and Chris ran over and stood by my side and all the while the woman in charge had not seen or even heard a thing.
"You'll learn your place here eventually." She flipped her hair and walked away.
"Liz. Lizzy." I turned and looked at Jacob and then I looked at Chris. The tears were streaming down my face and the stinging in my cheek hadn't left yet.
"Is she allowed to do that?" I looked around and noticed students were already whispering about the scene that had happened.
It was at that point that we were led to the castle to be sorted. Chris and Jacob had been moved to the fron of the line so that we were in alphabetical order and with my luck Alyson was in front of me. She stopped walking all of a sudden and I fell...again. She laughed and looked at me mouthing nightmare. She then walked away making her grand entrance and destroying mine. Just peachy, right.
I tried to get all the spelling errors if I missed any I'm sorry.