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Simon returned her welcoming smile with a polite smile of his own. "Well then it looks like we've both found what we are looking for..hmm," he replied taking the offered seat. He too noticed the other boy who entered or more like tried to sneak into the room unnoticed at first. "Simon..." he supplied to his first companion before turning to the new guest...a housemate of his own. "Nope the more the merrier I guess," he added motioning to another chair.
Finally they were joined by another a young student a Ravenclaw this time. She seemed distracted however or at least hesitant to join the group so Simon decided to take the initiative and called to her. "If you're here for the homework you're welcome to join us. Seeing as two and two would probably work better then three."
"Sakura," she offered back. It was only fair that they all knew each others names if they were going to be working together.
Finally noticing that there were actually four of them in the room she too turned and smiled at the young girl. "Simon is right. It'd be easier to work in pairs. If you want one of us will work with you," Sakura added, gesturing at herself and the two boys she was with. The girl could decide whether to join them or not. But at least now both she and Simon had put the offer out there so the girl knew she was welcome.