Text Cut: Lady of the Courtyard
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“Fear not, good sir,” Kurumi said with a new airy tone to her voice as she began to hold herself a little more ladylike. “I am one of the last remaining member of the Clan of Eikooc as as one can use magic. We were once a great clan of elves from Norse, but have since been hunted and our numbers dwindled due to such evil forces as this monster you are seeking.” She still didn’t think that Mr. Ikenna was evil or mean, but perhaps the man would be kind enough to play along with them. “This is why I have asked for this man,” she gestured to Hugo. “To accompany me so that I may have added protection. I also travel with two others,” she held up Faustus 2 and Walnut. “Who I trust you know.”Clearly, from the way Eino had been looking and talking to them, he had a clear vision in his head as to what characters they were playing.
"Come, Lady of the Courtyard Last Remaining Member of the Clan of Eikooc As One Can Use Magic!" He said gesturing for her to follow him. They ad to make their way to the second floor very quietly and cautiously! Morgan La Fey would surely place many traps and obstacles in their way to make them doubt themselves and discourage them from embarking in this thrilling journey! Eino wasn't sure what kind of magic the Lady of the Courtyard Last Remaining Member of the Clan of Eikooc As One Can Use Magic could do, but being the Last Remaining Member of the Clan of Eikooc As One Can Use Magic surely she could perform
some type of magic and that was good enough. That is, so long as it wasn't
black magic! "And in good company you are!" Eino said covering his head with his hood. Sir Toby was growing very anxious now and began daydreaming, so Eino had to nudge him occasionally to bring him back to his senses.
Text Cut: Sheriff of the Courtyard
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Hugo jumped to his feet and dropped the flowers and his wand. Hugo was really going to have to learn to use his imagination. "Well this be no ordinary magic-" Hugo made up in an Irish accent. That's right, Hugo had an Irish accent now. I mean, the Sherrif of the Courtyard had an Irish accent. "Don't you see my lad? I've created a tiny dragon to accompany us," he said pointing at the bouquet of flowers on the ground. He hoped Eino would imagine the flowers to be a dragon. "It is a friendly dragon," Hugo told Eino picking it and the wand up. "And this- This is the magical sword of Observatorium. It is the most powerful sword in all of the Irish knight district." Hugo was getting pretty good at this actually. At least, he thought so. Then Eino showed Hugo the book thing. O-kay. Making a frog. Remember that. "To what land are we headed, sir Eino?" Hugo asked. This was actually pretty fun. He drew his sword.
"Don't drop it then!" Eino urged him to pick the tiny dragon back up. Maybe it should serve as a method of transportation, that is, if it grew quite a bit within the next few minutes, which was most likely to happen. Plus, it could be used to breathe fire on the darkest of dark creatures, so it was most certainly welcome to accompany them. "See, Sir Toby! No need to fear." Sir Toby had been worried that only the two of them wouldn't be sufficient to destroy the Monster of the Ministry, but now there were (Lady of the Courtyard Last Remaining Member of the Clan of Eikooc As One Can Use Magic, Sheriff of the Courtyard, Merlin, King Arthur, and a dragon) five of them. "Oh," Eino said turning back to the Sheriff of the Courtyard, "you must name your dragon!" Because no dragon should ever be left unnamed. "We are headed to the darkest of dark places in the entire UNIVERSE!" He said extending his arms in the air to emphasize how big the universe was. "Let's go!" He said and hurried down the staircase.