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"Me too! My mam was a ravenclaw, my cousin a Slytherin and my sister a gryffindor."
She pulled at her sleave. She didn't know what to say now.
"Uh... Have you been to any lessons yet? They seem to be very... muggle related. Don't they? Not that that's a bad thing! It's just very strange."
She seemed to be asking that question to everyone reasently.
As well as reasearching it in the library with Nika. Wow, she was obsessed! Well curious mostly...
(OOC: Haha, It's fine

"I havent been! yeah I could never make it in time and all. My sister was a Slytherin. Yeah she is in the Ministry now. My mum was a Ravenclaw. Dad was a muggle so I've no clue what he'd have been in." Her father had been so happy when she left. Now she wondered if maybe he was jealous that his daughters were witches?
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Zoe smiled. "My brother told me it used to be a secret passage to Hogsmeade, but it got closed off a long time ago. I wish it was still open though, don't you? Or are you already a third year and can go to Hogsmeade?"
"No," Third year? They thought she was a third year? " I am a second year. I do wish it were open. I could kill for a chocolate bar from the sweets store in Hogsmead." She said. She'd have t go to the kitchens for some chocolate.