100 Fabtabulously Ginnylicious Drabbles - Sa13+ 100 Fabtabulously Ginnylicious Drabbles
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1. Ginny walked into the herbology classroom Professor Sprig nowhere to be found.
She walked slowly over to her favorite table, the one furthest from the Venomous Tentacula and Mandrake plants. She didn’t want to be there right now Ginny wanted to be safe and warm at home on Christmas break not working on past Herbology homework with a bunch of slackers.
“Merry Christmas mom” she smiled, feeling one tear slip down her cheek” she sighed whipping away the tear, “Ginny you’ll get through this its not a big deal.” She told herself sighed, crying more as she thought of Harry. 1. Herbology2. Muggle Studies3. Transfiguration4. Ancient Runes5. Astronomy6. Divination7. Care of Magical Creatures8. Potions9. Defense Against the Dark Arts10. Arithmancy11. History of Magic12. Charms13. Quidditch14. Hogwarts, A History15. Room16. Dragonhide gloves17. Cauldron18. Whomping Willow19. Wand20. Hogsmeade21. Veela22. Kneazle23. Telescope24. House elf25. Sorting Hat26. Quill27. Owl28. Timeturner29. Pensieve30. Feast31. Dress robes32. Common room33. Classroom34. Parseltongue35. Pureblood36. Muggle37. Animagus38. Patronus39. Duel40. Spell41. Thestrals42. Portraits43. Headmaster44. Ford Anglia45. torch46. Dungeon47. Portkey48. Leprechaun49. Yule Ball50. Boggart51. act52. bore53. Chase54. Dare55. Egg on56.Fight57. Gape58. Hoot59. Ignore60. Joke61. Kiss62. Lope63. Mooch64. Nap65. Ooze66. Pace67. Quell68. Roar69. Slap70. teem71. Untie72. Vex73. War74. x-tinguish75. Yodel76. Zap77. Cheerful78. author's choice79. author's choice80. author's choice81. Depression82. Careful83. Fearful84. Angry85. Snappish86. Daring87. Plaid88. sweet tooth89. Past90. present91. Future92. Chocolate93. Chicken94. Allergic95. Snowball96. Socks97. Dictionary98. Pajamas99. Newspaper100. Homework |