Originally Posted by
DanialRadFAN01 Armen still wasn't sure how he felt about this lady personally. Yeah he was arguing with her over her beliefs and the unjust people she worked with but he still didn't really know here or anything. He was letting her talk and give her say until she brought up his past. "How dare you!" he whispered heatedly. He then twisted his head to the left and right and then leaned in closer to her. "They told you about it. That is hardly fair. If they want me to keep their secrets and do their stupid muggle and wizarding work mixture they should have at least the common decency to keep their propoganda-spreading mouths shut!" he hissed across the now only foot-lengthed space. He wasn't yelling at her anymore, he was angry at those who told her his business.
Then she took his slashing of her being just another little pawn in the Cult's great plan an opposite direction and turned back on him even stronger. He threw his hands up infront of him and spoke quickly. "Hey hey hey, calm down now. I guess I did put my foot in my mouth there, I honestly didn't really hear what they wanted to do with Magical Creatures in the whole scheme of things." he said slightly embarrassed. Nothing like coming to attack a memeber of a group and not knowing anything about her role in it. She was just the unlucky one that was closest to him to vent to and not be afraid to get another slashing across the face. But know seeing her act like this...she wouldn't do it here in the open would she? Nahh.
Ok back tracking now. "Can we start over here?" he asked sheepishly, not expecting her to be up for it. He HAD just practically called her out on her beliefs and career over a small setting of lunch. "Armen Recard, Department Head of Magical Transportation. And I am sorry for acting you without really knowing you or your trail in the Cult's activities." he said quietly. He wasn't really happy about backing down but he knew he must. In the back of his mind he knew he had no right to talk to her like that and the better person inside of him was giving the rest of him a piece of his mind.
Woah. Her eyes widened as he snapped back at her, a little shocked but not completely surprised. She may have gone a little too far with that statement but still, it was in her right to mention it. He hadn't exactly been the friendliest person to her had he? The Blonde didn't change her emotion though, instead narrowing her eyes at him, scoffing.
"So its true then" Erica raised her eyebrow and stared back at him as he leaned in closer.
"If you hadn't noticed I am part of them now aren't I? They have every right to tell me what it is they know, to keep information from me wouldn't be fair now would it?" she asked. She wouldn't tell anyone it, she wasn't like that, it was just she needed to relliate to him, Erica certainly wasn't the type of person to go blaring out at someone or to keep it to herself, she needed to defend herself in some form.
The thirty-two year old shook her head and rolled her eyes. She wasn't exactly shouting at him was she? Hisisng maybe, speaking in an unfirendly tone but there was no way that SHE needed calming down here.
"If you haven't noticed because your too busy accusing people, I am perfectly calm, I think its others here that need to rethink their strategies" Because everything he'd said so far, she'd had a way of answering back. "
They haven't ASKED me to do anything, Ive taken note myself. True they may have had a little influence on my decisions but... I have my own mind thank you very much" she replied sipping on her coffee and relaxing back a little.
She folded her arms across her chest and leaned back as he offered to start again, asked more like.
"I don't know. Are you willing to stop insulting me?" she asked raising an eyebrow. She didn't accept his apology however. In fact, she didnt say anything, instead she chose to remain silent and continue to drink her coffee.