Originally Posted by
Ikenna Gevrik
Ah, Gevrik had forgotten his mental note that children took sarcasm far too seriously. Miss Mia Gibbins seemed to be one sharp cookie.
"Am I, personally, having an impact on the curricula at Hogwarts?" Ikenna raised a brow as he rephrased Mia's question.
It was a fair question.
"Tell me what leads you to ask such a question and I will give you a straight answer, Mia."
Why did adults do that? It was as though they wanted to look good in front of the kids.
"Well maybe not you personally." Mia brushed the hair away from her face and turned to face the man full on. "At least four of the classes I have attended, have had an emphasis on muggles. And in some way they want our opinion on muggles and wizards. Who is better? Should the magical world help muggles." She paused for a moment and played with butterbeer bottle. "It's like the Professors are trying to find out which of us like muggles and which of us don't. And this only started when you arrived." She wasn't blaming him in anyway, well okay maybe she was a little. She was merely curious as to the sudden interest in muggles.