My Heart Will Go On ...I Love You... ...BRYCE... Welcome I'm Lindsey. I'm 16 years old. I've been making graphics for a year. I use Photoshop CS3 but now I use PhotoScape. This is my fifth shop here at Madame Malkin's. I really love making graphic's. I'm from England. I don't think I'm that good at graphic's but you guys are the ones that can judge me on that. The more requests I get the longer I will keep this shop open. Oh and I also love the movie Titanic. It's one of my favorite movies besides Phantom of the Opera. But they are both in my top two. So I'll stop blabbing and you can take a look at my examples and request if you want. Rules
1. Don't Forget to CREDIT!!!
2. Don't request something here and request the same thing at another shop.
3. Please give me BIG and good QUALITY images
4. Please only USE SPOILER and URL when post pictures in this thread.
5. Before requesting make sure the queue is OPEN!!!
6. I will accept up to THREE requests at a time!!! Form Quote:
Originally Posted by THE FORM!!! 1. What Would You Like:
2. What Size Would You Like:
3. Any Text You Would Like To Add:
4. What Colors Would You Like Me To Use:
5. What Pictures Would You Like Me To Use:
6. Anything Else You would Like To Add: Examples
1. PureBlood64 - Set
Last edited by Dreaming_Of_Peace; 01-26-2011 at 01:48 AM.