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Sitting on the floor of the armor gallery, next to a rather impressive display of an ancient samurai outfit, Sabel shuffled the deck of cards he had brought absently. Back against the wall, knees drawn up and forearms resting lazily over them as his fingers worked the cards back and forth between one another, he let his eyes drift over each set that was presented in the hall.
He had begun his retreat to the silence of the gallery thinking back on the readings Kellen and him had done in Divination class, pondering them and getting those wrinkles in his forehead Lexi kept telling him were going to stick and stay stuck. Now, he was absent of such thoughts, simply enjoying the detail before him, relaxed and comfortable for the time being.
Lexi made her way into the armour gallery and smiled weakly when she saw Sabel sitting there waiting for her. Why had she agreed to be his ... guinea pig on this? Divination was scary sometimes. "
Why are you always SO broody, Sabel?" she said with a chuckle.
In one fluid motion she folded herself into the floor in front of him and smiled as she picked at a loose thread at the bottom of her jeans. "
Gonna tell me my future?" she asked with a grin.