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"No I can't smell that... thank goodness", replied Claire, who was slightly grossed out by the prospect of smelling other people BO...
"Are you feeling ok though?... your not going to be sick are you?" she asked slightly concerned, but amused none the less.
As Claire waited for Emily to respond she knelt down on her chicken knees and began binding the rope around their legs.
This was going to be fun.
Emily smirked, she knew Claire was enjoying this, but it wouldn't last long, and there would be plenty of opportunity to tease her back.
"I'm getting a bit of a head ache", she replied after a moment...
"Don't think I'll be sick though... I mean the smells aren't that bad."
hhhmmm Emily could suddenly smell blood... she wondered where it was coming from, hoping no one was hurt.
Emily leant on Claire and watched her fasten the rope around their legs.
"Ready for this?" she asked as she tried to focus on a good smell so that she wouldn't feel so overwhelmed.