If I ever survive Divination, I will personally make sure to kill my father. I stared into a tea cup.
'Anything yet?' asked Hermione.
'A pile of soggy tea leaves.' I replied.
I shook them round.
'Does anyone need help with their tealeaves?' asked Professor.
'No thanks, I can see what happens next. I have a over-sized, greasy bat with a giant nose in my future.' I muttered to Ron and Harry.
They sniggered as Professor came over.
'Give me the cup.' she said.
'What's betting she drops it?' I asked.
She took it and dropped it.
'That was just a guess.' I said.
'Are you sure there is no seer blood in your family Apple?' asked Ron.
'Hey! I'm insulted.' I replied.
When the bell finally went, I was first out.
'I need food!' I moaned.
'You're worse then Ron.' said Harry.
'Is that even possible?' I asked in surprise.
'Hey!' said Ron, catching us up.
I smiled and wandered off, outside.
'Immobulus!' I said, pointing my wand at the willow.
It froze as I crawled through a gap in the tree. I had found a small place when I was in my first year. I went up the stairs, and into the room. To my ultimate surprise, I found a small package, lying there. I sat on the dusty bed,opening it. There was a note, and something wrapped in red tissue. I opened the tissue, to find a beautiful ruby necklace. I put it on, and read the note.
Dear Apple,
It has been a torment knowing you have been growing up, and I haven't been there to give you the love of a father. But soon, I will be reunited with you, and I'll be able to give you that love. I cannot tell you who I am. Just remember, I will always love you, my Apple Pie.
It wasn't my father's handwriting.