*Walking down the hall Matty looked for the crazy knight in the pictures. He wanted some pointers on how to talk while in care of magical creatures. But he started to hear some not so happy tones. He frowned figuring it was more second or first years fighting but then he started to recognize the voices. Walking over to them he almost got run over by a blur of green and black robes.*
*Backing to the wall Matty stayed back not sure if he should intervene.*
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Mia almost stuck her tongue out at him triumphantly. She could see that Sal was remembering his behaviour towards Diggy in the previous year. She even folded her arms across her chest and gave him a small smug look. A look that was totally out of character for her but Sal was determined to push her buttons for some reason.
However the smug look did not last long especially after what Sal said next. Mia could feel that anger that very rarely surfaced, start to bubble up inside of her and she ground her teeth together, trying to keep her feelings in check. "And why shouldn't I Sal, huh? Tell me...why is Nik so different from you or Diggy?" Besides the obvious of course. Like the fact that he was totally awesome, gorgeous, funny, smart and liked her a whole lot.
Her eyebrows were raised as she watched him and boy did he look mad but Mia was determined not to back down this time. She wanted to KNOW what his problem was.
But his question took her by surprise and she blinked a couple of times before answering. "Yes...I...am." She said slowly, still watching him. "At Christmas."
Originally Posted by
Why shouldnt they be compared to Nik? Why? WHY??????
"You know Mia, we may not be awesome Tri-Wizard Champions killin' Cockatoos for breakfast" and technically neither was the Durmstranger ".... but I dont think you're seeing the simple fact that there are just as awesome guys at the very end of your nose. "
Then she said that she was meeting him again sometime Christmas. He turned his back on her and gripped the balustrade, staring hard at the other students making their way up the stairs. He felt like he couldnt breathe. It was worse than being dragged under icy waters and drowning...
He wanted to tell Mia so much, and at the same time, nothing at all. He wanted to put up a fight and make her see that he could be a guy just as good as Nik...
... except that he deep down he knew he would never be as good as Nik.
The South Pole proved that.
Just then another owl swooped in, landing beside him on the balustrade. It nodded its head a few times waving the letter in its beak. It was addressed to him, in a graceful scrawl that he recognized instantly.
He swiped the letter from the owl and, turning to face Mia, hid it behind his back quickly. Only then did he realize that the Christmas meeting with Nik was still up in the air.
"You're meeting him again? At Christmas? In Russia?" he repeated. He wanted to tell her not to go. But then again he felt like he really had to go.
"Well, happy trip!" he said begrudgingly, but forced himself to smile, even took her hand and shook it quickly. "I'mLateForPotionsIllSeeYouAround" he rattled off before climbing UP the stairs two at a time, rounded and corner and vanished.