Originally Posted by Mystique Walked into the hall and headed for the Hufflepuff table. She sat down in the middle section of the table and waited for Jaina to be seated. Seconds later there was a plate of strawberry mousse cake and fruits of all sorts that somehow poofed in front of Alice, Jaina got her hot fudge sundae. Alice picked her forked up and began eating the cake but stopped when she heard the voice of Jaina.
Alice looked at Jaina in the eyes and examined it carefully. "Hmm..That Slytherin? I don't know. I mean, I wasn't really paying attention to the people in class except the assignements" she smiled and stuck her tongue out jokingly. "Jaina...Don't tell me..You have feelings for him?" Alice had the surprised tone. Jaina thought about it. "Well," she started, "I mean first he's all tough and like down with muggles type of talk and then he gets panicked and darts out of class to go to the bathroom. Something's not right. It worries me. Like maybe he isn't all that bad, but just like scared of something and being a Slytherin, like doesn't it say in their rule books that they have to hates us?" She was trying to think logically, but let's face it, she was sorted into Hufflepuff and she was beginning to understand why. She was running more on emotion than logic at this point. She had compassion for a kid that was most likely trained to hate because it seemed like that's not what he wanted.
__________________ "I'm just a Hufflepuff" |