SPOILER!!: Sawah
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Ahhh yes, the strap. That could happen with those sort of watches. Pocket watches were much easier to transfigure with this spell, but giving them all one of those would have been too easy - wouldn't it? *evil cackle*
"Perhaps if you imagine the strap incorporated into the design of the compass? A leather casing maybe?" It was an idea, and it might help the girl.
"Don't give up though, you'll get it how you want eventually," Isabelle smiled at her and nodded in encouragement.
"Right, I must say you all did extremely well with the task I set you. Your compasses found magnetic North perfectly - although maybe not always the first time," Issy gave a small smile in the direction of Jake.
"The image I was looking for was a bottom heavy star, such as this..." Waving her wand a piece of parchment flew into her hand, and Issy held it up for the rest of them to see.
"...Which you all came up with for me. So thank you. I have collected them all and they shall adorn my office wall for now." Issy had a glint in her eye when she said that. With no kids of her own, why not put up pictures from other peoples? Heh.
"If you could all finish up what you are doing, class is now over, so you can leave when you've cleared away. Please take the watches, or compasses - whichever form they currently take - as you will need them for homework. I will post that up the on board within the next few hours." With smile, Issy spread out her arms and nodded at the kids.
"Class dismissed."
OOC: I will leave the thread open until tomorrow, and homework will be posted soon. Finish up your practise, then you can have your charrie leave. Thanks guys!
A leather casing....That was SO SMART. And that should be much easier than trying to change the element of it, right? From leather to metal? At least it'll stay leather.
Right. So,
"Reverto." Ellie took a moment to stare at the watch some. And this time, moreso than the last couple tries, she tried veeeerrrrryyyy hard to picture the compass. One needle, four points, leather casing...
"Comletia," up/down, left/right, circle, jab. COMPASS....?
No. No compass.
Ellie decided on three. She'd give it three more tries, and then she was...not
giving up, per se, but she'd practice after class. Later.
And try number one,
"Comletia," up/down, left/right, circle, jab... No compass.
"Reverto." Try numbah two.
Ellie pictured a compass again. One, two, three,
"Comletia," accompanied with the wand movement. Compass?
"Yes!" Hah. She did it.
Right, so. Now that she's got THAT. Time to move on.
Okay...starting at North...Ellie looked down at her compass and turned her desk until the front was aligned with the compass's needle. So...this was North. She studied the instructions and the compass and came up with,
It looked.....not very pretty. But...she glanced back up at the instructions, she
though she did it all right...
Ellie put her hand up,
"Professor..." Help.