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Droo Hecate entered the lab and drew her wand, summoning the kid's glasses off his face. "Not in my presence Morgan..." She said placing the glasses on her desk. She then hopped on the desk and sat besides them. "What are you doing here Morgan, I only want kinds interested in actually doing the potions in here... not theory only kids." She said narrowing her eyes at him.
Aaaaaaaaaand suddenly it was light...er.
Jake's hand reached out a little late for the glasses, and his eyes were a little slow to adjust so he wasn't sure what he was doing for a second. When the young man saw where his sunglasses had landed, and who had caused them to land, he scowled slightly but said nothing. Instead he went on writing out the instructions and ingredients until he was done.
Looking up again, Jake looked up at the board at the front. "That's not
actually in the rules, though, is it? In any case, I'm not 'theory only'."
With that, Jake got up and looked around. Where in the heck was the storeroom? He was so disorientately "I have your essay."
And within the sheaves of parchment was a leeeettle purple booklet Lafay might benefit from reading. Well... when it came to Jake and any other fortunate young student who was like him and would come along. Like his little brother Dale. "Where's the storeroom?"
... maybe his eyes were all funny 'cause of the sunglasses. Heh.