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Old 01-23-2011, 06:25 PM   #46 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Letting out a gust of air, Sabel peered at Lexi from the corners of his eyes. "I was planning on trying to speak that way, but a lot of times I mean no offence." He shook his head, dismissing it. They could argue all day about perception and intention, but it would do them any good.

Another breath left him as he turned his eyes back to her, wondering how exactly to say what he truthfully thought without offending her. He supposed her reaction would be up to her and her alone. "I need a break from men." A small shoulder shrug left him, if anything to try and convince her he was just trying to help. "You've been in a relationship almost constantly since fifth year and I don't really think you've given yourself much time to breathe. Or to recover from your last relationship. You...get this feeling of attraction, and I don't know why, but you feel like you have to peruse it, to have it. It's almost like you need that connection, that comfort or support or attention. I don't know Lexi, and I won't pretend to know and I'm not judging. But I don't think this...series of relationships is doing anything but hurting you."

A slow breath escaped him as he ran his hand back through his hair. "I hate seeing you get hurt Lexi, and all these guys are doing just that. But you don't stop to look at that, you just hope the next will be better than the last. You have no time for yourself, no time to discover who you are, on your own. And I really think, it would be good for you, to take a step back and spend some time in the single side of life."
Lexi listened... silently. She knew what he was saying was true in a lot of ways. Finally giving a sigh she looked at the boy and gave a sad sort of smile. "It's true. I need to be with someone to feel better about myself sometimes. If you haven't noticed... I am not exactly well liked around here. Having at least one person that I know likes me regardless of that mess... makes me feel safer," she said quietly.

Then as she gave a mirthless chuckle she continued, "I know it all sounds so sad and pathetic... and truth be told I feel that way. But recently I decided that boys are less important than my future. I thought Ivan would understand that... but I am not sure he thinks anything other than |I am being selfish." Way to react to honesty, right? Meh.
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