Thread: Harry Potter: Always and Forever - Sa16+
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Default Always and Forever - Sa16+
Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

Hi all! This is my first FF so go easy on me.
The story is about George & Angelina's grand-daughter, the daughter of Roxanne.
Her name is Georgia- after her grand-father, but twisted into a girl's name. She's in her last year of Hogwarts and is in a relationship... but rocky roads are in view and everything's about to get extra difficult...

Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K Rowling.

Chapter One

"I love you, Georgia"

Georgie smiled, holding onto Tom's hands and looking up into his eyes, leaning up to kiss him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. "And I love you too Tommy boy, but I have to go... work is calling. It's a new term. I have to do better this year, the parents' are being seriously annoying about 'the future'" she laughed as she pulled back from him.

He moaned slightly and pulled her back to where they were leant against the tree. "I had a great summer..." he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek.

"So did I..." she told him dreamily, thinking back to the nights they'd spent sleeping out under the stars, the trips out on the lake... She sighed happily and grinned at him. "My Grandpops wants you round at Christmas- they all really like you!" she told him, watching his smile widen. "They do?!" "They really do!" she giggled before kissing him again, she then got that strange, but now normal feeling, she'd been having it for the past couple weeks now, but was trying to ignore it because... ignoring it meant it wasn't real.

Tom noticed the change in her face- she must have been grimacing. "G... sweetie, what's wrong?" he asked her, cupping her face with his hands and forcing her to look into his eyes. "Nothing.... Nothing" she said, breathing out deeply and smiling at him again, she pulled back, giving him one last peck on the cheek before running back up to school, she made it up to the Gryffindor girls dorms just in time. She ran past her best friend Cloe's bed towards the little bathroom's they had in the towers.

Cloe looked up and watched Georgia run past, what was up with her? She got up off of the bed and moved towards the closed door nearby, knocking quietly. "Georgieee, what's wrong hun?" she said cheerily, stepping back from the door when she heard Georgia start to open the door. "I'm just not feeling good..." she said slowly, pulling down the sleeves of her jumper over her hands and moving towards her own bed and collapsing onto it with a big sigh. "And I've got way too much work to do! It's ridiculous..." she muttered under her breath.

Cloe watched Georgia, slightly concerned- she kept going into these strange moods, then she'd be all happy again! It was getting strange and she was worried. "Gee, I think you should go see the Nurse..." Georgia's head snapped up- "No, I don't need to see the Nurse, Cloe!" she almost laughed, but it was hesitant and nervous sounding.

"Fine..." Cloe said exasperatedly, sighing herself and moving back across the room.

Georgia looked up and over at Cloe- she shut her eyes and laid back on her bed, her hands over her tummy. Why was this happening to her?! She felt a tear roll down her cheek and she rolled onto her side, blinking back the incoming tears and putting her hand over her mouth to muffle her crying.

Last edited by Maxilocks; 04-17-2011 at 03:24 AM.
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