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Old 01-23-2011, 11:29 AM   #45 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default No prob :D
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Enya stumbled in after Louisa and her cat and stopped. She hadn't actually been in the hospital wing before but she had known where it was and all. She looked around at everyone waiting before her eyes fell on Louisa and Kitty as she sat down. Enya stopped not moving, she really didn't know weather she should sit down or just leave the girl here she had after all brought her where she wanted.

But before she could choose she heard the younger girl address her, she sighed and went to sit down. She might as well sit through it all. "What?" She asked roudly as she sat down.
"Don't 'what' me.." She snapped at her in a whisper if that's possible and went on, "..I just want you to sit here and wait with me, I don't want to get Kitty in by myself. Okay?" She threw a serious look at her friend before scanning the people around once again. "Wow. There are some students that actually need treatment more than Kitty I guess." She remarked.
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