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"Merlins pants" She half shouted half sceamed and she jumped 10 feet. this was to the place to come up behind Caroline Scott without clearing your thoat or coughing at least. "Hey! Everything fine" She smiled at the girl
Ellie felt badly that her appearance caused such a stir.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you all," she apologized.
Lumos she said, her wand lighting up. Perhaps if she did that earlier, she could have avoided this kind of introduction.
Originally Posted by
"Oh, of course. The light," muttered Braeden, glancing down to the wand he was holding with a still slightly shaky hand, listening as the Ravenclaw girl then went on to share that there was only rubbish in the back alley. "I hope just because we're out here too we're not included in that category," said Braeden, looking back up at the girl with raised eyebrows, though the slightly lopsided smile on his lips gave away the fact that he was only kidding.
He watched absentmindedly as the girl walked past them, apparently quite interested in whatever she saw further ahead. Braeden only saw darkness. And then she was introducing herself. He couldn't help but grin when she did; this was the second Ellie he met this term. "I'm Braeden," he shared with one of his goofy grins. "And this is Caroline," he added, referring to the pretty blonde girl beside him.
And then Ellie was asking if they were there because of their (or his, he wasn't sure who he was referring to)... terrible sense of direction?! Heeeyy! That's not very nice! Braeden's jaw dropped - not so much from offense but from... well, how frighteningly right the girl was. However, as a proud little Gryffindork, he wasn't going to confess.
"I wassss... I was looking for... something that I... dropped somewhere here... last term," he explained slowly, making up each word as he said it, completely forgetting that he had confessed to being lost just a minute ago when Ellie had first stumbled upon them. Oh yes, Braeden Stonem was Hogwarts's smoothest liar.
"Well, ladies," started Braeden suddenly, feeling a lot more calm now that he wasn't completely alone worrying about dementors breathing down his neck. "While I am enjoying this chat in this... very pleasant place, I'd say we move somewhere a little... well, at least somewhere where there's less rats," he muttered the last bit as he caught sight of something moving on the floor and pointed his wand at it, only to find it was a couple rats scurrying down the alley between the students' feet.
Ellie noticed Braeden seemed a little put off.
"I'm sorry if I was rude. Maybe this place is putting me on edge..." She was actually lying, but it was better than admitting she had a rather coarse demeanor. That's a trait better learned overtime and not during an introduction.
She jumped a little after she felt something scurry at her feet. She pointed her wand down, glad to see it was just a rat. Only a farm girl wouldn't be bothered by a rodent at her feet. Clearly the other crowd wasn't of that mind.
"I think we ought to head elsewhere. Hate for this odour to follow us for the rest of the day."