Originally Posted by
Ellie chuckled. She actually was a fan of wandering off the beaten path, though not necessarily a fan of grimy alleys. "Actually," she explained, "I saw your light and was curious. Plus, it's getting too crowded out there." She pointed her wand back where she came. "Thought something interesting might be going on... I think it's just rubbish back here," she giggled.
She looked back at the twisted series of turns she had made to get to this location. Living on a large farm had given the Ravenclaw an excellent sense of direction, and making her way back to the street would be no problem. She looked out ahead of her, past the group of lost students. She resisted the urge to rush that way.
"I'm Ellie, by the way," she said, advancing passed the other students towards the darkness that lay before them. "What led you down here, anyways... besides your terrible sense of direction?" she added sarcastically.
"Oh, of course. The light," muttered Braeden, glancing down to the wand he was holding with a still slightly shaky hand, listening as the Ravenclaw girl then went on to share that there was only rubbish in the back alley. "I hope just because we're out here too we're not included in that category," said Braeden, looking back up at the girl with raised eyebrows, though the slightly lopsided smile on his lips gave away the fact that he was only kidding.
He watched absentmindedly as the girl walked past them, apparently quite interested in whatever she saw further ahead. Braeden only saw darkness. And then she was introducing herself. He couldn't help but grin when she did; this was the second Ellie he met this term. "I'm Braeden," he shared with one of his goofy grins. "And this is Caroline," he added, referring to the pretty blonde girl beside him.
And then Ellie was asking if they were there because of their (or his, he wasn't sure who he was referring to)... terrible sense of direction?! Heeeyy! That's not very nice! Braeden's jaw dropped - not so much from offense but from... well, how frighteningly right the girl was. However, as a proud little Gryffindor
k, he wasn't going to confess.
"I wassss... I was looking for... something that I... dropped somewhere here... last term," he explained slowly, making up each word as he said it, completely forgetting that he had confessed to being lost just a minute ago when Ellie had first stumbled upon them. Oh yes, Braeden Stonem was Hogwarts's smoothest liar.
Originally Posted by saraie
Caroline's eyes widened as Brarden jump, gosh she didn't mean to make him jump. She smiled never the less, Brae was just goofy like that. As she came closer she could see his brown eyes and face. Thank goodness it was him and not some crazy person, or worse. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She said as she walked over to his and put her hand on his elbow. She blushed. Ever since that bump on the head, making her think something pretty crazy things, it was a bit arkward being around him never the less she did love the guys company. She moved her hand away quickly. "I was just heading to Honeydukes and saw you down here. What are you doing here?" She asked curiously.
[B}"Merlins pants"[/B] She half shouted half sceamed and she jumped 10 feet. this was to the place to come up behind Caroline Scott without clearing your thoat or coughing at least. "Hey! Everything fine" She smiled at the girl
Braeden's eyebrows rose and his grin widened as Caroline shared that she had been looking for Honeydukes. Well, what a small world! "Really? So was I," he shared, looking like a little kid who'd just found an accomplice to break a rule or something.
Despite that incident a couple days ago with the whole...
confusion, shall we say, Braeden still found it easy to be his goofy self around Caroline. He knew she'd only been confused, though he'd be lying if he said he hadn't enjoyed the confusion while it lasted.
"Well, ladies," started Braeden suddenly, feeling a lot more calm now that he wasn't completely alone worrying about dementors breathing down his neck. "While I am enjoying this chat in this... very pleasant place, I'd say we move somewhere a little... well, at least somewhere where there's less rats," he muttered the last bit as he caught sight of something moving on the floor and pointed his wand at it, only to find it was a couple rats scurrying down the alley between the students' feet.