Originally Posted by
Braeden must've jumped at least three feet into the air when Caroline spoke.
He turned around slowly, his heart in his throat and his brown eyes widened than ever before. For the love of Merlin! He almost died! He hadn't even heard her come or anything, what if it would've been... a death eater or, worse yet, a dementor?! (Yeah 'cause death eaters and dementors like to just randomly stroll around Hogsmeade).
"Caroline?" the boy's voice came off hoarse as he watched the light of another wand approach, and as it came closer, he was able to make out Caroline's delicate features forming before him. At the sight of her, he sighed in relief and allowed himself a goofy smile. Whew. "Merlin, I thought something was out to get me..." he muttered with a soft, though slightly nervous chuckle, shaking his head slightly.
Then he remembered again where they were. "What're you doing here?" he asked, raising a dark eyebrow at the girl.
Originally Posted by
Ellie shook out her newly short bob. She had been convinced to shed her braids, but had begun to dislike the new look. And she wasn't even a vain person. It was just so... impractical. She longed to be able to put her hair up once again.
She had been walking down the main thoroughfare when she saw a flash of light in an alley. Always one for adventure, the girl wandered down the alley towards that light. "Oy!" she said as the disgusting smell of garbage wafted in her direction.
Eventually she found a two students, both looking somewhat distraught. "Hey..." she said quietly, approaching the small group. "Are... are you OK?" she asked. They both looked scared, which Ellie found silly, but wouldn't tell them that.
Caroline's eyes widened as Brarden jump, gosh she didn't mean to make him jump. She smiled never the less, Brae was just goofy like that. As she came closer she could see his brown eyes and face. Thank goodness it was him and not some crazy person, or worse.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She said as she walked over to his and put her hand on his elbow. She blushed. Ever since that bump on the head, making her think something pretty crazy things, it was a bit arkward being around him never the less she did love the guys company. She moved her hand away quickly.
"I was just heading to Honeydukes and saw you down here. What are you doing here?" She asked curiously.
"Merlins pants" She half shouted half sceamed and she jumped 10 feet. this was to the place to come up behind Caroline Scott without clearing your thoat or coughing at least.
"Hey! Everything fine" She smiled at the girl