Thread: The Back Alley
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Old 01-23-2011, 05:28 AM   #228 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Saraie View Post
Caroline was walking pass the back alley when she spot a fimilar face. nah that be Braeden why would he be back here. She stopped and walked backwards in the middle of the back alley at the top of the road. She peered through the darkness, she saw a wand light. The holder of the wand light was to far down to make out the face. She blushed. She was sure it was him "Brae is that you down there, what are you doing down here?" Caroline said "Lumos" without the wand light from both wands it was dark, a scary dark. She walked toward Braeden and prayed that that's who she was walking to.
Braeden must've jumped at least three feet into the air when Caroline spoke.

He turned around slowly, his heart in his throat and his brown eyes widened than ever before. For the love of Merlin! He almost died! He hadn't even heard her come or anything, what if it would've been... a death eater or, worse yet, a dementor?! (Yeah 'cause death eaters and dementors like to just randomly stroll around Hogsmeade).

"Caroline?" the boy's voice came off hoarse as he watched the light of another wand approach, and as it came closer, he was able to make out Caroline's delicate features forming before him. At the sight of her, he sighed in relief and allowed himself a goofy smile. Whew. "Merlin, I thought something was out to get me..." he muttered with a soft, though slightly nervous chuckle, shaking his head slightly.

Then he remembered again where they were. "What're you doing here?" he asked, raising a dark eyebrow at the girl.

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