Ohhh a task. Sakura tended to suck at drawing, like she wasn't even good with straight lines, but this could be an opportunity to earn points, and also she'd get to check out if her compass really was working properly. She hoped it was working properly or it would be rather embarrassing. Not that anyone but the professor would know since the walls were up around her.
Sighing Sakura pulled the piece of parchment in front of her and twirled her quill a little as she looked at the compass. She was for once glad that her brother had made her learn how to read a compass. Now if only she could remember exactly what everything meant.
Blinking in slight confusion Sakura decided that she understood the first instruction at least, so therefore she could start drawing.
It took her fifteen minutes before she was happy that she'd drawn the thing correctly. If she hadn't she could always try again before the lesson ended. Hopefully. If she could be bothered because she really did hate drawing...
The problem was however that she was also a perfectionist, so if it wasn't done properly, or it didn't look good enough, which her current one certainly didn't in her opinion, she'd have to force herself not to be finicky about it. Which she was currently doing by pushing her quill and ink as far away from herself as they could go.
"Professor, I'm pretty sure I'm done," she called, playing with her fingers to stop herself from doing anything while she waited for the professor to come and check her work.